Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The importance of non-important things

Every individual's mind is his own, developing and evolving through years... each one has an individual perception of what is important and what's trivial to them. What may seem important to one might be humorous to others and so on..

A recent incident just made me write this post... So read on...

I had this monthly routine visit to the beauty parlor for threading my eyebrows. I went along with a friend of mine, who is almost 3 years younger to me. Here, I have to mention her age because that's why am writing this post. The different games your mind plays as you grow older. I am not saying that my friend has been immature or something, but as I see her, she reminds me of myself some 3-4 years ago.

When I was younger, I was this very short-tempered girl, throwing things even on my dad ( if he didnt put up with his promises on my birthday) and walking off to my college if my mom didn't get my favourite dress pressed on time. Everything was a big issue for me. Everything had to be perfect for me. Nothing less would be approved by "My Highness". I used to get irritated even for the slightest crease on my dress. Or more so, I never liked being reminded by Dad that am spending more time on phones rather than with the books. I was the master of myself. That was my attitude.

Today, as I continue to raise my two little sons, constantly being their master for discipline and behavior, some things hardly matter to me now as they did in the past. Coming back to the beauty parlor visit, the girl accidentally thinned my eyebrows way too much than my normal size. I got a shock as I looked into the mirror. She casually said that she should be told when to stop. I just tipped her and got back to my car. This friend of mine asked me how I could just keep mum and say nothing to that beautician. And then I realized that if the same incident happened to me a couple of years ago, I would have raised a big hue and cry. But now, these things hardly matter to me. No kidding. Laughingly, my dear friend too admitted that it would take a while for her to let go off such things in such an easy manner !!

I mean, I would be lying if I said am not conscious of myself. People who know me will also know my fondness towards my sense of style. I like to be chic, for sure... but it doesn't need to be that perfect as it used to be for me as a teenager. Things can be taken lightly atleast in my case ...that's what I learnt from life.

--> The more important things which matter to me right now are my kids and family.
--> I am more busy in minding my kids diet than fighting with an unknown girl who accidentally did something to my vanity.
--> I find more bliss in spending an hour at chuck-e-cheese's with the kiddos rather than a quiet candle-light dinner. ( It's not that I've completely turned myself into a saint !! All my occasions are still met out with a dine-out from my hubby dearest , but they don't have to be mandatory.. )
--> I spend so much time with the building up of phonics with my elder son, that they seem to be more important than the programming languages I learnt a few years ago !

And the list goes on.... and yeah, these might seem trivial and humorous to you, but for me the supply of diapers are more important than the recession right now. Of course, after a few years, I might be ashamed to have given less importance to the Mumbai massacre when compared to my son's school programme, but for now, my life is just revolving around these issues which seem important to me right now.

Well, I still do have the temper, but then I reason out immediately and I think it takes some more years to completely let go off the anger in me. Well, don't be surprised if I take a sabbatical from the beauty parlor in a few years too... but for now, must rush for a pedicure and also need to attend my elder one's school program !!! Ciao ....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Movie madness

I know it's been a while I posted something on my blog...
Frankly, life's been really hectic and my days just revolved around friends, dinners, trips and parties. For some, my life might seem very happening, but I have to admit that it has taken a toll on both my mental and physical health... the whole chaos seemed to have worked otherwise. Sometimes, I wish for a much simpler life, but then it's all in my mind. We are now used to our good old friends' company each weekend, that sometimes life seems bliss like this too , though I have to admit that am getting too tired to give a bit of attention towards my third baby, this blog !!

My last post The true Calling has been met with much criticism, but that's definitely not the reason for such a huge gap between my posts. It's just a coincidence. But, I realize I was being too preachy in my earlier post and it isn't a wonder that it was liked by very few people. So, I decided to just share something wonderful which actually happened with me, instead of shooting my opinions on topics I seemed to have wander off.

Over the past week, I have seen one of the most memorable movies in my entire life !
It being "As good as it gets", having two wonderful Oscar-winning actors, Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. What a movie !! Anyone who saw this wonderful portrayal of human qualities has to agree with me.

For starters, the story is about a much-hated senior who has an OCD problem, but somehow seems to evolve as a human, when he is forced to help his troubled neighbour and an even-distressed waitress. The opening scene shows the cruelty of the lead man, with him dumping the neighbour's cute puppy into the garbage bin without remorse.. but as the movie continues, he is shown to love the same cute animal.

I was very much touched with the entire thing of "Love thy neighbor" concept, shown in a very subtle way. It just made me realize how little we know of our current neighbors with our crazy, busy schedule. Here, I have to mention my sweet neighbor who makes it a point to give a box of doughnuts every Sunday for my boys ( though I hardly know her more than a Hi, let alone her name). It makes me feel good about being together in a community. If it weren't for her gesture, I wouldn't have thanked her back with a crate of fruits. These older people just make us get the feel-good factor of their generation, with these simple things, and I think its a healthy way for our generation to adapt it too.

This movie also shows the harsh reality of the female lead's son being constantly sick, and how she is just tied up with him the entire day and night. The most heart-touching scene is when the kid starts being treated and feels normal again, (thanks to the grumpy old hero) ...the mom in Helen Hunt just doesn't know how to use her spare time, just because she's petrified of having so much time for herself. It made me really cry and it was so overwhelming, because I was relating it to myself. Not the sickness thing, but right now, being a mom of 2 active kids, my entire day is just for them. I suddenly realized that a day would come when I'll have all the time for myself, when my boys are grown big enough to have their own life. What am I gonna do then ? It's both scary and exhilarating !! Hmm, should really ponder about this... maybe, I've been taking my motherhood thing a bit more obsessed than I should. After all, at the end of the day, your life is yours... especially, when your young ones tend to move further with their own interests and their individual lives.

And then, this movie shows nudity as a form of art too. The gay artist sees the heroine bathing and just draws her, without a sense of lust or obscenity. The entire thing was shown so well, it just made an indelible mark on my heart. Art is such a pure form of one's heart's feelings that it just doesn't seem to have any barriers. In the early scenes, even a ruthless mugger is shown to be affected having seen a wonderful piece of his self-portrait. Such is the greatness of art. You don't need to be a Picasso to understand it, just let your heart open to art in many forms, be it music, dance or paint. It's such a wonderful feeling to let go your heart for sometime into your solitary world of imagination. It definitely soothes a crying or a bored or a troubled heart. Even if you are happy, just express it through these little forms of art, it seems to make a lot of difference to your morale !! There I go with my preachings once again, hehe...All in the habit, you see !

Anyway, just wanted to share these subtle nuances I felt about this movie, and how I related them with my personal life.

One has to agree that it's not every day you encounter such experiences, but when you do feel something heart-warming, make sure you don't neglect them. These are for-a-lifetime simple things, and they make a great diary of wonderful memoirs. Isn't it ?? Think about it.