Wednesday, May 13, 2009

With love , From India

Hi all,
Life as an Indian bahu... a never-ending saga !!

As I start on my new life, I suddenly miss some of the daily things I used to take it for granted in my life abroad. Read on but don't laugh... instead, would be glad if anyone coming to India would get them for me ....

--> Paper towels : Bounty !! Does it sound like a puppy's name?? Naa... thats the brand I used while in US... Courtesy Costco !! I miss them... we used to throw them like waste paper there( wait, they ARE paper)..but then, get the worse-than-toiletpaper quality, courtesy BigBazaar :(... Can anyone from the US get me those???Pls pls pls :D

--> My fat-free milk :( .... Huh, am bound to put on all my shedded lbs ( spelt kgs here )due to the Indian fat milk... I know I cannot get it imported from the US..but just harm in it na ??

--> The conventional oven : Baking was my second love...dont ask the first (there are many :D) ...I used to bake muffins, cakes ( no, no..dont expect it from scratch...everything was from a ready-made pouch... oh come on, am not a baker :D) yeah, I miss baking them..and that Corningware bakeware !! Waaaaa .... they are still with a friend who promised to get them in parts and pieces .. I hope she's listening :)

--> The hot water : Yeah, we do have geysers...but they are confined na... The US has this uncanny facility of providing hot water on the right side of the tap...even in the vanity ( never used it though :D) it on the left side?? I already have a poor memory of my life there... overwhelmed with the extreme details here...

--> And then what ? I miss the
Starbucks coffee (Cafe coffee day is trying hard to fill the gap),
The cold weather ( I used to say that I hate the winters there..but I think I already changed my mind... It's always hot in india ),
My car (Oh, I used to zoom on the expressways and freeways there... I will never forget the roads there )
Our gym ( The daily routine of dropping the kiddos at the kids club while we sweated out ... yeah, we still sweat here...but that's for another reason... stop raking your dirty minds.. I was talking about the weather here :D)
And my friends ( Is there any replacement to that?? Hmmm.. NO!)

But yeah, I definitely don't miss
The carpetted floor ( It's ok when you don't want broken things around your house, but other than that, it's such a dust-sucker... hated to clean it)
The do-it-all-by-yourself routine ( My indian maid already made an entry into my blog, so I don't need to mention why I love it here ..hehe)
The endless-spending of your time trying to clock in the Indian time so that we could chat up with our dear ones...
And more to mention... they will come later... still yet to explore the totality of an indian Zindagi :)

So, please try to note down what I miss from the US of glad to pay the conversion provided you supply it to BBSR ... Ciao for now :)

PS : Did I mention the Return policy... Ssshhh... Don't tell anyone...But I managed to return some of the unused things I bought some months ago too... while I was winding my things back there... They simply don't ask you questions...and I wanted to prove that am a pure Desi by heart, by completely utilising it...
I REALLY MISS THAT ... (*a big sigh*)

Lots of love,
The Indian-at-heart yet craving-for-US girl.


Unknown said...

Hmm...Don't worry..u'll soon digest the harsh realities in the days to follow :-)At the moment,U.S may seem like Utopia to you but u'll soon get over that...All the best in your efforts to overcome that ;)

Rika said...

Hmm now I'm wondering how will I feel after getting back...its all a matter of adjusting.

Veda said...

Every place has their own pros and cons...What's the solution.
For me Jis desh mein/jis bhesh mein ,parivesh mein raho,Radha raman,radharaman kaho.Perhaps this soulful bhajan by Purushottamdas jalota sums it up.

anilyzed said...

very nice blog ..